Casino Kid 2 is a 1992 sequel for the Nintendo Entertainment System, developed by the same team as its predecessor. In this installment, the protagonist, known as the Casino Kid, faces a global challenge from top gamblers. Players must defeat nine opponents in games of roulette, poker, and blackjack to uncover the identity of a mysterious organizer. Unlike the original, players do not roam the casino but engage directly in card games.
Casino Kid 2 is the sequel to Casino Kid, released in 1992 and released by the same company. In Casino Kid 2, the Casino Kid, after having defeated the top players in Las Vegas, is issued a challenge by the top gamblers around the world. The matches are organized by a mysterious leader and to unveil the leader, the Casino Kid must defeat nine opponents from around the world in the games of roulette, poker and blackjack. Gameplay in Casino Kid 2 differs in that players no longer venture around the casino looking for rival gamblers, though the card games still operate in the same fashion as in the original Casino Kid.