Super Mario Bros.: Cemetery Bros. is a Halloween-themed modification of the classic Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The game follows the story of a young man whose spirit has lingered on Earth after his sudden death. As he traverses graveyards filled with ghosts, skeletons, and devils, he must reunite with his body swiftly to restore his life.
A Halloween themed hack of Super Mario Bros.
The Story: A young man has died suddenly with his spirit remaining on earth. If his spirit can reunite with his body, his life will be restored. However, his journey is not going to be easy. Throughout the graveyards, there are ghosts, skeletons, and devils patrolling the hallowed grounds.
Thank you for downloading Cemetery Bros. A graphics hack of Super Mario Bros. just in time for Halloween!
Story: A young man died suddenly. His spirit is lurking through the graves in search of his body. If he can reunite with his body quickly, he will be able to live again.
Super Mario Bros. (World).nes - NOINTRO
CRC32: D445F698
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