Challenger is an action-adventure game developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System where players assume the role of a courageous archeologist tasked with rescuing a princess abducted by a mysterious evil organization. The game features four distinct adventure types, including a runaway train confrontation and exploration of a vast island, along with various boss battles. Initially conceived as a port of the ZX Spectrum title Stop the Express, Challenger expanded its gameplay with additional levels.
Play as Challenger, a brave archeologist whose mission is to rescue a princess who's been kidnapped by a secret evil organization. The game offers four different types of adventures in four different ways to play, starting with a runaway train battle, exploring a vast island, and facing off against a boss.
Originally planned as a port of the ZX Spectrum video game Stop the Express, which was released by Sinclair Research Ltd in 1983. Stop the Express only contained the first train level, and 3 levels were added for the release of Challenger.