Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II is a role-playing video game developed by Atlus and released by Namco for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990. As the second installment in the Megami Tensei series, it deviates from the original novels by Aya Nishitani while preserving gameplay mechanics from its predecessor. The game features enhanced audio quality through an eight-channel Namco 163 sound chip.
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II is the sequel to Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei. It was published by Namco in 1990 for the Family Computer and is the second video game in the Megami Tensei series. This is the first game in the series to not be based on the original novels by Aya Nishitani, but it retains much of the gameplay aspects of its predecessor. The music in the game is enhanced by an eight-channel Namco 163 WSG sound chip on the cartridge.