Double Dragon II: The Revenge is a side-scrolling beat 'em up developed by Technōs Japan for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Released in 1988, the game features the Lee brothers, Billy and Jimmy, as they attempt to rescue Marion from a new gang. While the experience system from its predecessor is absent, players can employ new grappling techniques and powerful moves like the rising uppercut. The sequel is recognized for its gameplay innovations, though it shifts in tone and style from earlier entries.
Technōs created once again a vastly different experience with Double Dragon II on the NES. The experience system was dropped, but the moveset still underwent a few changes. The elbow attack and turning jump kick are gone, but with the standard kick directed backwards they seemed a bit redundant anyway. There are two new ways to make enemies in a grapple suffer, elbow smashes to the head, and a high kick to propel them away. In the brief time window when the Lee brothers are crouching after a jump or after getting knocked down, it’s possible to perform a rising uppercut or a knee jump attack. The timing for these isn’t easy, but they are the most powerful moves in the game.
On the NES, Double Dragon II is a much more innovative and unique sequel than in the arcade, but it marks also the time Double Dragon started its schizophrenic shifting between wildly different tones and gameplay styles. In a way it’s one of the best games to bear the Double Dragon name, but it’s hard to shake the feeling that Technōs had already started to loose a cohesive vision of what it meant to be Double Dragon, both in tone and in gameplay.