Dragon Ball 2 Daimaou Fukkatsu is a role-playing video game developed by Bandai, released exclusively in Japan for the Nintendo Famicom on August 12, 1988. It is the second title in the Dragon Ball video game series and the first to utilize role-playing mechanics. Its gameplay laid the groundwork for the Goku-den series and it features in the J Legend Retsuden compilation for Nintendo 3DS.
Dragon Ball: Daimaou Fukkatsu is a role playing video game released only in Japan by Bandai on August 12, 1988. It is the second Dragon Ball video game released for the Nintendo Famicom.
Daimaō Fukkatsu is the first role playing game based on the Dragon Ball series. Its gameplay was reused in the Goku-den video game series. Daimaou Fukkatsu is also one of the games included in the game compilation J Legend Retsuden for Nintendo 3DS.