Eggerland Meikyuu no Fukkatsu is a puzzle game developed by HAL Laboratory for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Released in 1988 in Japan, it is the fourth installment in the Eggerland series, following Eggerland Mystery. The game features approximately 162 stages organized within an 8-by-16 grid, including several hidden levels, challenging players with strategic gameplay and problem-solving elements.
Eggerland: Meikyuu no Fukkatsu is a puzzle video game developed by HAL Laboratory for the Family Computer. It was released in 1988 in Japan as the fourth game in the Eggerland series following Eggerland Mystery, and is the third in the series not counting the port of Eggerland 2 made for the Famicom Disk System. The game contains roughly 162 stages (or maps), which are arranged on an 8-by-16 grid (with some stages hidden).