Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden is a role-playing video game released in 1989 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, developed and published by Bandai. Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump, the game features a protagonist navigating a world populated by various heroes from the magazine's history, battling against a coalition of iconic villains to save the universe.
Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden is a 1989 role-playing video game for the Family Computer published by Bandai. The game commemorates the 20th anniversary of Shueisha's manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump.
Set in a world that brings together many of the long-running titles that had appeared in the magazine, both of the past and present at the time of its release. The game consists of a main character wandering and encountering the many Jump heroes as they try to save the world from an alliance of many of the most powerful and evil of the Jump villains.