Super Mario Bros. 3: Git Up, Git Out, Git Gud Nintendo Entertainment System

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Git Up, Git Out, Git Gud

One day during a concert stop in Mushroom Kingdom Big Boi wakes up and
isn't able to find Andre3000. He calls on Mario, the local hero of the
area, to help him in his search. Mario sets on his way throughout the
kingdom looking for signs of the lost musician.


This hack is meant to be an introduction to SMB3 kaizo. It is a lite
kaizo that introduces players to the controls and features of the SMB3.
The dontreadme has a section describing SMB controls needed for this hack as
well as credits, lore, inspiration, etc.

The intended difficulty is targeted to start at a kaizo: easy type of
level and end closer to a kaizo: medium type of level. So players that
play through this game should be close to ready to start Calm Bros.

Git Up, Git Out, Git Gud

One day during a concert stop in Mushroom Kingdom Big Boi wakes up and
isn't able to find Andre3000. He calls on Mario, the local hero of the
area, to help him in his search. Mario sets on his way throughout the
kingdom looking for signs of the lost musician.


This hack is meant to be an introduction to SMB3 kaizo. It is a lite
kaizo that introduces players to the controls and features of the SMB3.
Below is a section describing SMB controls needed for this hack.

The intended difficulty is targeted to start at a kaizo: easy type of
level and end closer to a kaizo: medium type of level. So players that
play through this game should be close to ready to start Calm Bros.

Play this game however you have fun. If you want to play through
with save states, do it! If you want to use save states for faster
retry or checkpoints before bosses, do it! I'd rather you enjoy playing
the game your way, then suffering through it "how I intended it to be
played". My intention is that you have fun, if that's not the case, make it
the case.

The Team

I Made This Level... but I couldn't have made this hack without this
great team.

If you are enjoying streaming this game and are looking for someone to
host, if one of these people are online, I would really appreciate if
you could host them. They deserve it. Or if you are interested in
commissioning an emote, contact Jiyean.

Play Testers:
* ChooseRedMage -
* FlyVox -
* Mjr Cockatiel -
* Kurbo6

ASM support (and play testing):
* Orange Expo

Art Support
* Jiyean -

SMB3 Tech Introduction

This section will detail some of the tech needed to enjoy this game.
If you are new to SMB3, I would suggest reading through this before
playing the game or referencing this while playing the game. Some of
this tech is not entirely obvious but is pretty standard in SMB hacks
so it is worth knowing. I've listed them in the level in which they
appear in the game.

1-2 Jumping out of waterfalls - Holding up will give Mario a Jump
when coming out of waterfalls. In fact, coming out of waterfalls
you don't need to even press jump. Just holding up will give you a
jump out of the waterfall.

1-3 Boom Boom - After hitting Boom Boom, there is a small window where
he will not hurt you while he is crushed, before his spikes pop out.
This gives you a window to land and jump again. If you land back on
him right as his spikes disappear, you can keep him locked in place
for the entire fight. This level was designed to teach you that
timing by not allowing you to beat him any other way.

2-1 Air drafts - An upwards air draft will send you flying into the air.
The closer you are when you jump into the air draft, the higher you
will fly.

3-1 Frog Suit - When out of water, the frog suit hops and is hard to
control... unless he is holding an item. Then he runs like normal.

While swimming, you don't need to mash any buttons. Just holding
the jump button will cause you to swim quickly. You can let go
of jump and just press a direction to swim slowly.

3-4 Jumping out of waterfalls (2) - Remember to hold up coming out of a
waterfall, but beside that, while you are in the air (and not in
the water), holding run will help you move at run speed in the air
to cover larger distances and keep momentum. This isn't required
for this level, but will make it easier if you are holding run while
in the air. Holding run while swimming can be tough so I would
recommend just holding it as you jump out of the water.

I personally press and release both run and jump for each swim in
waterfalls and then hold both when coming out of water falls. I
find this way easier than trying to hold run while pumping swim.
Just pump them both together while swimming and hold both while
jumping in the air.

3-8 (End fort) - Jumping INTO waterfalls - If you are jumping into a
waterfall, it is best to jump as much as you can outside of the
waterfall before entering the water to get as much height and
momentum as possible going up before you start fighting the water.

4-2 Surfer shell jump - If you are new to shell jumps, then this is
what I would recommend to try for this type of shell jump where
the shell surfs on the ground:
* Jump out a good distance away from the wall (at least 4-5 blocks)
* While still raising up, roll you finger off of run (still holding jump)
* Keep holding jump and adjust your position to land on the shell.

5-6 Fort - Door entry - Unlike other games, you need to press up while
on the door to enter it. Holding up will not work except for the
final door in the game...

6-2 Piranha with ball - If you shoot a patooie with a fire ball and kill it,
the ball will fall off the screen, but will no longer harm you.

7-1 Boot tech - Few things to know about the boot for this level:
* GETTING BOOT - You can only get rid of the goomba by hitting it from
* EXTRA JUMP - If you run off a ledge, then you get an extra jump
in the middle of the air. This DOES NOT work if you slide off
the edge or jump off the edge.

8-1 Boot tech (2) - Because the stated before tech, here are a few other
boot tech things to know.
* SLIDE - if you run with the boot and then stop holding a direction,
you will stop hopping and you will slide a while. You can use this
to go under spikes and other obsticles that a normal boot bounce
would cause you to lose the boot. Be aware that f you slide off an
edge, you will not get an extra bounce. You need to be holding
* ENEMIES - the boot can kill some enemies, but not others. The
waffle is on the list of things it can kill, but not boos

8-5 Tanooki suit - The key thing to know about the tanooki suit over the
raccoon suit is turning into a statue. When you turn into a statue an
few things happen:
* Enemies can't hurt you and will walk through you.
* If you turn into a statue above an enemy and fall on them, this will
kill most enemies

To turn into a statue, hold RUN and DOWN.

Practice Mode

Practice mode is a way to play the game your way.


START_ANY_WORLD - If you select down to the practice mode and press up or
down on the d-pad, you will see a number next to "Practice". When you
press start, you will start in that world.

SKIP_ANY_LEVEL - In practice mode, you can walk through levels that you
haven't beaten. Hate a level and don't want to play it? Just play in
practice mode and you can just skip it.

ALL_ITEMS - In practice mode the inventory is full of every item in the game.
Have fun using whatever power up you want. Want to skip a hammer bro? Use
the music box to put them to sleep.

IN_LEVEL_POWER_UP - Took damage in a level and want a power-up back? Just
press the SELECT button and you can cycle through all of the power ups. Do
you want to get a boot? Hold Y and press SELECT to toggle boot or no boot.
NOTE - the boot sprite will cause sprite conflicts so in many levels the
boot will look messed up (or will cause enemies to look messed up).

Credits and Recognition

ChooseRedMage and FlyVox were the original testers from the start of this
project for over a year. They've spent countless hours playing, recording,
and editing game-play to help me improve this game from it's initial rough

Kurbo and Mjr Cockatiel were the final testers coming on later in the
project after the game was closer to release to be able to check the
levels and progression from a fresh perspective.

Orange Expo came on the team to help with some of the ASM edits I needed
but also really helped testing the game and bringing a great awareness
of some of the internal workings to SMB3. I've listed some of OrangeExpo's
ASM contributions in the ASM section of this document.

Jiyean helped with some of the artwork in the game. She specifically did
the following:
* The animated Andre3000 picture on the letters after each world
* The Mario bird drawing in the credits for Mjr Cockatiel
* The Mario robot drawing in the credits for Narfman0
* The image conversion for theincCalm on the PACO credit page
* Her self portrait on the LzyTom and Jiyean credits page

PACO ( invited me to help test out
Calm Bros while he was developing it. While I didn't provide much help,
he still put me in the credits. And being in the credits Jebaited me
into beating the game which was way above my skill level and eventually
speed-running the game locking in my love for SMB3. I had played a little
of Kamakaze Bros to try to get ready for Calm Bros testing, but I wished
there was a more entry level place for me to "git gud". So this game started
because PACO invited me to help test a game several years ago. Without that
seed, this game wouldn't exist.

In fact, the games theme is partially due to Calm Bros. One of the world
endings said "Nothing is cooler than being cool." That lie inspired me to
build a game based on the truth that "ice cold" is in fact cooler than
being cool.

Narfman0 ( also indirectly had a key role in
the creation of this hack (and thus the spot in the credits and here in the
recognition). At the start of my journey when I was struggling to get
started and figure out how to even make a hack without letting the world
know that I was considering it, I reached out to Narfman for help. He pointed
me to Foundry and SMB Prime and his own repo of patches. If the Calm Bros
invite was the seed, Narman0's direction was the soil. While not actively
doing much of anything, this game would not exist without his early guidance.

Joe Smo and Blue Finch both helped answer several of my early questions in
SMB3 Prime and really got me started. They foster a community over there
helping lots of people get started on their way in making SMB3.

This game was created using Foundry and with it and SMB3 Prime, I don't
know that I would have been able to make this game (or would have wanted to).
So to everyone that gave encouragement or helped in making Foundry, I
appreciate you!

LzyTom is also in the credits. For v1.0 he did nothing towards helping make this game
come about... other than regularly Jebaiting me. He knew I am easily
Jebaited and wouldn't let up until I finally made this. So for that, he got
a spot in the credits as well.

For v2.0, LzyTom played the game through dozens of times and gave valuable feedback
for the levels and how they played both first time and after several times. A lot
of the changes in v2.0 are a result of that feedback. Thanks for grinding
through and not giving up on the game!

Also in the credits are the players and viewers. If you play this game
or support someone playing this game by watching them, I appreciate it!

Lore and Inspiration


This section I will detail some of the lore of some of the levels and how
they came to be.

2-7 is loosely inspired by Elephants and Snakes and Crocodiles by Morsel.
While I have never played the game, I have watched others play it. I
created this level not realizing the inspiration, but after seeing
Elephants played again later, I realized that the seed for that level
probably came from Elephants.

3-1 The inspiration for this level came from Calm Bros. It's one of many
levels that draw inspiration from that game. Having speed-run that game so
many times, I found it hard not to draw inspiration from it.

3-fort is loosely inspired by LzyTom and his constant criticism of water
levels being 2-tile-gap levels... so I created a 2/3 tile gap level.

3-Toad house is a direct homage to LzyTom. He had a channel point redemption
for "Water Levels Suck" or some such non-sense. I love water levels so
the toad house weenie whistle reference is for him.

3-4 Every spike on the ceiling is inspired by gh3b. I specifically put every
spike on that ceiling with gh3b in mind. gh3b would also come to mind
in other levels, like 8-Fort, each time I put a ceiling spike. And each
time it would make me smile and lean into adding more. So each ceiling
spike in this game, and there are a lot, are inspired and dedicated to gh3b.

4-Fort - FlyVox Fort - I had a fort level that had the same start jump but
with other design throughout the level. FlyVox said he wasn't a fan of the
conveyor jump, and as I do, when someone doesn't like something, I lean in...
hard. So I made an entire level with all conveyors, including the Boom Boom
fight and dedicated it to him. :D

6-4 PMiller was playing a SMW hack that had some aggressive buster beetles in
it. He asked chat what this enemy is called. I named the enemy for him
and said I only had one and it was friendly. His response was something
like "yeah sure". So as I do, I leaned hard into it and made a level
dedicated to buster beetles and PMiller.

7-6 Phllame was in LzyTom's chat one day and said I should put a pick-a-path
into my hack. He probably put a Kappa at the end, but being the meme-er-er
that I am, I had to do it. So I created this pick-a-path level at the request
and in dedication to Phllame.

One of the path alternatives is a mid-air route. LzyTom specifically asked
to have a mid-air in the hack. Two goals with one level.

8-2 One of the levels in testing had a note block jump or two. ChooseRedMage
commented something like "yay, more noteblock jumps" (but probably more
friendly and polite). I took that and again leaned into it and created
a level that was entirely noteblock jumps.


This section will list the customizations made to the game (outside of
the obvious map and level data). I am sure that I will miss some since
this is being done after the fact.

I intend to release a source code patch for this game so you can get the
source code for all of these edits if you want to use them. That will
take some more time to complete. Below are the tags used in the source
code to identify the changes made.

By OrangeExpo

KOOPALING_ANIMATION - Animations in vanilla stop when you beat a koopaling.
That means munchers stop munching and conveyors stop conveying, but only
in animation. The conveyors still are pushing the player, just with
no animation. This patch restores those animations.

KOOPALING_WAND_SKIP - As soon as player touches the wand, it goes right
to the throne room (cuts out points, falling sequence, etc.)

MUNCHER_PSWITCH - Munchers no longer turn to coins when a p-switch is hit

WALL_CLIPS - reduced/removed wall clipping in many situations

WHISTLE - the whistle now only works in world 3 while in normal mode and
instantly brings you to world 4 (skips world 9 - warp world). In practice
mode, the whistle still works in all worlds and brings you to the warp
world just like vanilla.

By WilsonPenn

ANGRY_SUN - Change when the Angry Sun starts to move (was previously something
like the 5th screen, now the 1st block). Also modified the "RNG" pattern
of the sun. Modified sun hitbox to be more accurate/fair. Also make it so
sun isn't killable.

BOOM_BOOM - Removed the jumping/slow walking state of boom boom in world 2.
Now he just go straight to fast running side to side. World 5 boom boom
always goes to flying mode (vanilla has winged only in 2nd state). Also fixed
sprite conflicts with Boom Boom and disco ball and bubba. Also made it so
that player doesn't lock in place after touching orb.

* shoots fireballs faster
* fireballs move faster
* fixed hitbox so you can't stand under bowser
* bowser turns towards player much faster
* bowser stun locks player when he lands

* Lots of graphics changes
* changed speed of peach text
* made so peach/Mario don't walk to center of room and peach turns away after

CUSTOM_TIMER - In vanilla there are 3 timer options, but they are limited to
hundreds digit only (200, 300, and 400). This edit allows for 3 custom timers
to be set down to the ones digit. In this game we use 300, 35, and 30.

FIX_ENTRY_GLITCH - This fixes a visual glitch on door/pipe entry in certain
cases. I think these were caused by one of the other visual conflict patches
but I can't remember right now... :(

HAMMER_SUIT_SLIDING - In the original game, hammer suit is not allowed to slide.
This game is modified so it can slide.

INFINATE_PWING - Modified so that a leaf coming from a big Q block will give
infinite p-wing instead of normal raccoon Mario.

INSTANT_POWERUP - the stray leaf and stray fire-flower items now give the
power-up instantly even when small. In vanilla the would only make you big
if you were small so you had to have 2 of them if you wanted to make sure
the player had the power-up instantly.

KING_VISIT - Speeds up the talking text of the king at each king visit. Also
makes it so player returns to map instead of going to airship after visiting
the king's room.

LETTER - Edits for the game for the letter from Peach/Andre3000:
* Adds new animation
* Removes items given to player
* Removes the different Bowser animation for world 7 - makes it same as others

MICRO_GOOMBA - Make it so mom-goomba doesn't fly around but stays still.

MUNCHER - Muchers no longer turn to blocks when hit with a shell/tail/etc. or
when hit from below. They stay munchers.

NO_BONUS_GAME - removes all bonus games - coin ship, card game, spade house, etc.

NO_PWING_ON_WIN - When you beat the game, you don't get an inventory of p-wings
any more. :(

NO_SKID_BACK - On death the player doesn't skid back.

ONE_HIT_SMALL - In vanilla if Mario has a power up, he will go to big state after
a hit. I wanted this to go to small instantly instead so I didn't have to
do double damage checks.

PODOBOO_CENTERED - In vanilla, the podoboo is centered at a 1/2 block, centered
between 2 blocks. Change this so podoboo is centered on a block directly.

PIRANHA - Green piranhas don't go in/out of the pipe (they stay fixed). Also
changes the big piranha so that it is centered between 2 blocks rather than
centered on a block. (would center on normal pipe - 2 blocks - rather than big
pipe - 3 blocks).

PRACTICE - Implements the practice mode. See the Practice Mode section for more
details about the features of practice mode. Most of this was existing hidden
features in the SMB3 ROM for the developers debug mode. I just exposed the
features through the start menu. This patch removes green Mario from the game
to make room for the option.

RESTORE_BIG_Q - In the vanilla game, if a player triggers a big question block
for any of the super power-ups (frog suit, hammer suit, etc.), big question
blocks remain already activated until the player dies, even if they go into
a new level. That means that if you use hammer suit in one level and the player
doesn't die, then they can't get a frog suit in the next level. This makes it
so the big question block is always reactivated between levels and is available
for the player to get the item even if they haven't died.

SWITCH_KOOPALINGS - I moved around which koopaling shows up in each world.

WORLD_2_PIRANHA - In vanilla, a fire piranha in world 1 will shoot just one fire
ball before going back in the pipe. In world 2+, it will shoot 2 more rapidly.
Well..... I designed a level in world 1 that was intended for world 2 and when
I moved it to world 2, it was too much spam. This patch makes the upwards facing
fire piranhas only shoot one fireball instead of 2 (not applicable for downward
facing fire piranhas)

WORLD_5_CLOUD_REMOVE - In vanilla, there is a cloud that is rendered on the map
in the right half of the world. This removes it.

I also fixed various sprite conflicts along the way that I've failed to keep
track of and will have to come back and record at some point of time. I seem
to remember fixing conflicts with:
* Patooie and platforms
* Dry bones and something? I think platforms?
* Stretch boos and something? I think boot maybe?

Frequently Unasked Questions (FUQ)

1) How long did you spend on making this?

I spent around 17 months and around 900 hours. The contributors spent between
10-100 hours each.

2) What is with all the water levels? Y U hate me?

I genually love water levels. I gave the whistle and the practice mode so people
could play as much or little of the game as they enjoyed. Use them.

3) I can't figure out level X.Y. What's the trick?

Take a look at the SMB3 tech section above to see if there is a tech item there
that will help. If not, check out a clear video. I'll try to post one on my
YouTube channel sometime. Or check out for a clear video.

4) I want to make an SMB3 hack. How should I get started? Or I need help with XYZ?

Get SMB3 Foundry and join the SMB3 Prime discord. If you have specific questions,
feel free to ping me on twitch or discord. I'm happy to help.

5) What the heck are all these end world texts and what is Peach talking
about at the end?

These are all song lyrics/references from OutKast. Read the intro up above
and if it still doesn't make sense, then don't worry about it...

6) Are you going to make another SMB3 based game?

I don't see myself making another. I want to invest some time immproving the
documentation of the disassembly and possibly helping add features to Foundry so
that some of the things that I struggled to create for this game are easier for
the next developer that comes by. I won't say never, but I don't see me making

7) Will there be any more updates?

If something is completely broken with the game, maybe, but nothing that would change
anything that would change the speed runs. At the time of release of v2.01 there is
one known issue with wand de-spawning. If I can figure out how to resolve that issue
without changing the timing of the wand or changing the levels at all, then I might,
but I have no other plans for any updates. Jnky h4ck is jnky.

8) Hey, some of those lines in the Andre3000 letters are Big Boi lines!!! What gives?!?

First of all, that's bearly a question... but I'll let it slide.

In this alternate reality, Andre3000 goes of to do a little acting without notice while
on tour in the Mushroom Kingdom. Along his travels he leaves written notes behind
about his experiences in each of the worlds he visits. Mario, who was sent to find
Andre3000 by Big Boi follows the trail of letters until he finds out what happened
to Andre3000 from Peach when he happens to run into her in Bowsers castle. He returns
these letters to Big Boi. When Andre3000 returns from his adventures, these letters are
used as inspiration for some of their future songs. Some of these lines were ultimately
sung by Boi Boi in the songs, but the original inspiration comes from these letters.

Speedrun page:

Submit runs here. Review runs here for figuring out how to beat some levels (though
be aware that speed runners might be doing some more crazy strats so also be aware).
The page will also have information about tips, issues, etc.

Known Issues
v2.01 - Wand despawn. v2.0 seems to have greatly reduced the rate of occurance of
the wand despawn issue, but hasn't completely removed it. There is a chance when
you beat one of the bosses in a non-airship level (worlds 3, 4, 6, and 7), there
is a chance the wand will not spawn when the koopaling is defeated. All rooms have
a way to die so there is no soft lock risk, but you may have to play the level
again if this happens. The rate of occurance appears to be very infrequent.

Revision History
v2.01 - 2022-01-20
Bug - if the player pressed the B button in the 1 frame window where they were on the
world map while sitting on an airship, it can cause the game to spawn them in the
airship level in a place where they can't die until the time expires. This bug
is a result of the quick retry in this game with the combination of the airship.
This bug affects version 1.0 and 2.0 and is fixed in v2.01.
4-world map changed a rock from vertical to non-breakable (would steal hammer if accidentally selected)
7-world map changed to add corner to land that was missing (visual issue only).

v2.00 - 2022-01-16
3-world map change to remove out-of-bounds on canoe
3-5 visual changes - changed pipes to ground
3-hammer bro removed the standing water to make the jumps between sections easier
3-7 minor nerfs to the start and end for common issues
3-castle minor nerfs to castle and iggy fight to make them more stream lined
4-castle change to Roy fight to fix wand despawn issue
4-end world text. Changed song quote to remove offensive lyrics
5-world map change to remove out-of-bounds at start and to handle added level
5-3 change where start leaf is placed
5-4 split into 2 seperate levels (now 5-5 and 5-6)
5-5 was moved to 5-4
5-ship issue fix where occationally could spawn and fall to death
6-4 raised a pipe one to reduce bumping
6-fort fix sub-pixel issue. Open things up a bit in a few places.
6-castle nerf to Wendy fight and change to fix wand despawn issue
7-world map added a "2-fer" bridge as requested by Mitch
7-2 minor nerfs
7-4 major rework
7-6 changes next to last jump so it isn't blind, fixed visual glitch, remove muncher after mid-air
7-castle - minor level nerf and changes to Ludwig fight due to wand despawn issue
8-4 nerfs in several places
8-5 - a few changes to give more indication the direction to go in a couple of sections
8-6 - change to the start of the wrap around 2nd section to indicate the wrap around jump, removed double sided pipe at start that allowed cheese. added coin indicators for start jumps.
8-7 (Bowser) - added one block to make the waffle jump less blind

v1.01 - 2022-02-25
4-end world text. Changed song quote to remove offensive lyrics

v1.00 - 2021-12-16
- Initial release

Database match: Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev 1)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: 6BD518E85EB46A4252AF07910F61036E84B020D1
File CRC32: B742B33
ROM SHA-1: BB894D104C796F69BA16587EB66C0275F5C2FC02
ROM CRC32: 2E6301ED
Time to Beat
Main Story 5h 0m
Main + Extras 6h 0m
Speedrun Avg 0h 17m
Release Date
Feb 3, 2022
2 years ago
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