Godzilla 2: War of the Monsters is a simulation game for the Nintendo Entertainment System where players engage in battles between renowned kaiju and military forces. As the commander of the Allied Defense Forces, players strategically position advanced weaponry on a map to combat rampaging monsters. Success depends on effective planning and resource management in an ongoing struggle for survival against formidable foes.
The earth is besieged by Godzilla and monsters, and is in a critical situation. Who will be the ultimate winner, human wisdom or the instincts of the monsters? A highly challenging yet simple simulation game to play! Just choose the commands from the `pop-up` menu and all operations can be done easily. Concentrate on your battle strategy and destroy all the enemy monsters on the earth. Popular monsters are up against the newest `smart` weapons! As the commander of the Allied Defense Forces, you place those controversial smart weapons on the map. Fire and attack as you see fit. There are even some monsters that come to the aid of the Allied Defense Forces!