Haunted Halloween 86: The Curse of Possum Hollow is a homebrew game for the Nintendo Entertainment System developed by Retrotainment Games. Set in the fictional town of Possum Hollow during Halloween 1986, players control characters Donny Johnstown and Tami Dunmore. The game features classic beat 'em up and platforming mechanics as players combat various enemies, including zombies and cursed pumpkins, while navigating the eerie environment.
A brand new NES homebrew game independently developed by Retrotainment Games and released on an NES cartridge. This classic style beat 'em up / platformer adheres to all NES hardware restrictions and pushes the limits of game play on the console.
'86 takes you in and around the town of Possum Hollow on Halloween in 1986. Play as Donny Johnstown and Tami Dunmore as you battle your way through grody zombies, poison pumpkins and many other heinous haunts that have taken over the town. Are you still rad enough??