Hokuto no Ken for the Nintendo Entertainment System is a side-scrolling action game developed by Shouei Systems and published by Toei Animation. Released exclusively in Japan on August 10, 1986, it is the first of four titles based on the Hokuto no Ken franchise for the Famicom. Although it shares similarities with Sega's Mark III version, it is an independent project by a different studio.
Hokuto no Ken for the Family Computer (Famicom for short) is a side-scrolling action video game published by Toei Animation and developed by Shouei Systems. It was released on August 10, 1986 exclusively in Japan and was the first of four Hokuto no Ken video games released for the Famicom. While it features gameplay similar to Sega's earlier Mark III version of Hokuto no Ken, it is an unrelated game made by a different developer.