Super Mario Bros.: Jimbo's Big Adventure is a fan-created modification of the original Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Players control Jimbo, a quirky character navigating the tropical islands of Gitchi Goonie in search of his paycheck. The game features all new levels, enhanced graphics, and modified gameplay mechanics, including refined fireball mechanics. Players begin with nine lives, enhancing the challenge.
Jimbo is a wacky tropical dude exploring the islands of Gitchi Goonie for his paycheck. This hack is a complete level hack of the original Super Mario Bros with some updated graphics. A few gameplay elements have been changed too (fireballs have a shorter bounce to make it easier to hit foes). This hack can be a bit of a challenge and the player starts with 9 lives.
Super Mario Bros. (World).nes - NOINTRO
CRC32: D445F698
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