Journey to Silius is a side-scrolling run and gun video game developed by Tokai Engineering and published by Sunsoft for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990. Initially inspired by the 1984 film The Terminator, the game underwent significant changes due to licensing issues. Despite modifications, elements from the original concept persist, notably in the design of the final boss, which closely resembles the iconic character.
Journey to Silius, known in Japan as RAF World, is a side-scrolling run and gun video game developed by Tokai Engineering and published by Sunsoft for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990.
Journey to Silius was originally based on the 1984 film The Terminator, but the licensing rights to the film were lost during development. As a result, the graphics and storyline were altered to accommodate this change, but remnants of the earlier version still remain in the game. For example, the final boss has a striking resemblance to the titular terminator in the film.