Lupin Sansei: Pandora no Isan is a video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System based on the popular Lupin III franchise. This title features action-adventure gameplay, where players engage in various missions inspired by the manga and anime series. An EverDrive patch has been created to correct graphic glitches encountered during screen scrolling, enhancing compatibility with flash cartridges.
Simple patch, fixes graphic glitches when scrolling the screen on EverDrive flash cards (tested on original Everdrive N8, don't know about Everdrive N8 PRO, maybe there game works fine without patch). Works with original rom, and with any other translation of the game.
Database match: Lupin Sansei - Pandora no Isan (Japan)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: E5E5488C92114B7FA29DDBE6D3D3D7C101F0C4A7
File CRC32: BF2947BA
ROM SHA-1: 6D23562A4606E7F4FE5F1A620B7FF0A79C20AB41
ROM CRC32: 9D21FE96
Lupin Sansei: Pandora no Isan: Lupin Sansei: Pandora no Isan (Everdive fix) Game Wiki
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