Mach Rider is a futuristic racing game developed by Nintendo, first released on November 21, 1985, for the Family Computer in Japan. It was later introduced to North America in mid-1986 as part of the Nintendo Entertainment System's second wave of games, followed by European and Australian releases on March 15, 1987. A revised version with track-saving capabilities was launched on the Wii Virtual Console in July 2007.
Mach Rider is a futuristic driving video game created by Nintendo. It was first released on November 21, 1985 for the Nintendo Family Computer in Japan. The game received a North American release in mid-1986 as part of the second wave of NES releases by Nintendo. On March 15, 1987 it was released in Europe and Australia. In July 2007 a modified version was released on the Wii's Virtual Console, which allowed designed tracks to be saved.