Mega Man 6 is a platform game developed by Capcom for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Released in 1993, the game centers on Mega Man as he enters the First Annual Robot Tournament, which is disrupted by Mr. X, who aims to seize control of powerful robots. Players navigate through various stages, defeating enemies and acquiring new abilities from Robot Masters to thwart Mr. X's plans.
From the United States, Canada and Japan they came. The world's premier designers and their finest robotic warriors traveled to do battle in the First Annual Robot Tournament. But what began as a game suddenly took a terrifying twist! On the eve of the Grand Championship, the sponsor of the event announced that the entire tournament was just an elaborate scheme to get his hands on the world's most powerful robots! Now faced with an army of metallic mercenaries, Mega Man must fight a ferocious new foe - The Mysterious Mr. X!