Metal Slader Glory is a visual novel and adventure game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Set eight years after a devastating war in space, the story follows 17-year-old Tadashi Himukai, who buys a worker-mech to launch a construction business with his girlfriend Elina. Upon activation, the mech reveals itself as a combat model, sparking a journey into space to uncover its mysterious origins and the warning of Earth's impending danger.
Eight years after a great war was waged between colonies in outer space, peace has finally settled back onto the Earth. Tadashi Himukai, a 17-year-old war orphan, purchases a used worker-mech in order to start a construction business with his girlfriend, Elina Furfa. However, when he first activates it, the worker-mech disguise falls away, revealing a combat model Metal Slader, which were all supposedly dismantled after the war, and an enigmatic message is displayed in the cockpit: "EARTH IN PERIL... SEEK THE CREATOR". Prompted by this warning, Tadashi, his sister Azusa, and Elina head out into space to find the answers behind it.