Mitsume Ga Tooru is a platform game developed by Natsume for the Nintendo Entertainment System and based on the manga and anime series The Three-Eyed One. Players control Hosuke Sharaku as he navigates various levels, battling enemies and overcoming obstacles. Released in the 1990s, it follows the earlier MSX adaptation of the same title, showcasing similar gameplay mechanics and themes.
Mitsume ga Tooru (三つ目がとおる Mitsume ga tōru?, “The Three-eyed One”) is a video game for the Family Computer that was developed by Natsume and published by Tomy. It is based on the manga and anime called The Three-Eyed One. The main character is Hosuke Sharaku. There is also a Mitsume ga Tooru game for the original MSX called Mitsume ga Tooru: The Three-Eyed One Comes Here, which was released by Natsume two years before this one.