Moai-kun is a puzzle game created by Konami for the Nintendo Entertainment System, released in March 1990 in Japan. Set on Easter Island, players control a sentient moai statue tasked with rescuing other moai and reaching an exit door before time runs out. While featuring platforming elements, the main goal is to strategically manipulate stage objects to facilitate these rescues and ensure an escape route.
Moai-kun is a puzzle video game developed and published by Konami for the Family Computer in Japan in March 1990. The game derives its themes from Easter Island; the player controls a sentient moai statue that must rescue other moai and escape each stage via a door before the timer expires. Although platforming elements are present, the primary challenge is to find a way to manipulate the objects in each stage to reach the distressed moai and rescue them while still leaving an avenue of escape to the exit door.