Moeru! Oniisan is a platform video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, based on the manga of the same name. Players control Kenichi, along with other characters such as Hidou, Rocky, and Shiranui, on a quest to rescue Yukie from the dragon Dra Gon. The game was later rebranded as Circus Caper for North America, featuring a circus theme and significant changes to gameplay, graphics, and music.
A Famicom game based on a manga of the same name.
The game stars Kenichi as the main character, while featuring Hidou, Rocky, and Shiranui as playable characters in some levels. The goal of the game is to rescue Yukie from a dragon simply named Dra Gon.
The game was re-branded with a circus theme and released in North America under the name Circus Caper, also published by Toho. The RPG element with the final boss was removed, the stages and bosses are in different order, and many graphical and musical changes were made to better resemble a circus theme.