Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!: MTPO Milli Hack Nintendo Entertainment System

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MTPO Milli Hack

Description: The default MTPO fight time reporting uses a crude rounding technique. This hack allows for accurate millisecond timer reporting at the end of fights.

v2.0: added support for reporting Tyson fight time on victory screen.

v3.0: Replaced points counter with realtime last-punch-landed timer. It should not affect game timing/lag. I have seen instances of overrun ahead of actual round timer, this only appears to occur on knockdowns not ending the fight.

See the readme in zip for patch/assembly details.

MTPO Milli Hack

Description: Add granularity to the millisecond timer in MTPO reported at the end of fights.


v1.0 (5/1/20): Initial ver, updated end of fights for all characters except Tyson.
v2.0 (5/3/20): Update to add time to Tyson victory screen.
v3.0 (5/7/20): Replaced points counter with realtime last-punch-landed timer. It should not affect game timing/lag.
I have seen instances of overrun ahead of actual round timer, this only appears to occur on knockdowns not ending the fight.


RAM position 0x306 contains the MS counter, while 0x307 appears to contain an inverse counter. It's not clear the role of 0x307, perhaps an anti-cheat/sanity check (not used afaict).
At the beginning of round 1, 0x308/9 are loaded with: 04 F9 (1st rd), 05 6D (2nd rd), 05 F8 (3rd rd). The MS counter at 0x306 adds 0x308 to itself with each iteration, until it is >= 0x64 (100).

This code can be traced:

03:8780:AD 07 03 LDA $0307 = #$AF
03:8783:18 CLC
03:8784:6D 09 03 ADC $0309 = #$F9
03:8787:8D 07 03 STA $0307 = #$AF
03:878A:AD 06 03 LDA $0306 = #$5E ; MS
03:878D:6D 08 03 ADC $0308 = #$04
03:8790:8D 06 03 STA $0306 = #$5E
03:8793:C9 64 CMP #$64 ; is MS >= 0x64
03:8795:90 52 BCC $87E9 ; if not, skip updating time
03:8797:E9 64 SBC #$64 ; subtract 0x64
03:8799:8D 06 03 STA $0306 = #$5E ; save the overflow

Once victory occurs, the following code translates the MS on the win screen:

06:BC99:AD 06 03 LDA $0306 = #$14 ; load MS
06:BC9C:29 F0 AND #$F0 ; clear low nibble
06:BC9E:4A LSR ; shift right x1
06:BC9F:4A LSR ; ""
06:BCA0:4A LSR ; ""
06:BCA1:A8 TAY

So the above essentially rounds the actual MS to the next lowest 16, then divides by 8. This basically gives us all the even #s from 0-12.
Finally it takes this even # and pulls the limited MS values from a lookup table (there are a few versions):

06:BCA2:B9 B0 BC LDA $BCB0,Y @ $BD3D = #$5C
06:BCA5:8D 07 20 STA PPU_DATA = #$00
06:BCA8:C8 INY
06:BCA9:B9 B0 BC LDA $BCB0,Y @ $BD3D = #$5C
06:BCAC:8D 07 20 STA PPU_DATA = #$00

BCB0: 01 01 03 06 05 09 07 02 09 03 0A 08 0A 0A (if you subtract one from each, this is .00, .25, etc)

So we replace the drawing code and lookup table with a routine to convert the hexadecimal MS (0x306) directly to decimal (+1 to adjust for tile ID):

06:BC99:AD 06 03 LDA $0306 = #$4A
06:BC9C:C9 64 CMP #$64 ; is the MS actually = 100? it can happen (race condition?) before the seconds are updated
06:BC9E:90 02 BCC $BCA2
06:BCA0:A9 63 LDA #$63 ; if it is, we will just make it .99
06:BCA2:A2 01 LDX #$01
06:BCA4:C9 0A CMP #$0A
06:BCA6:90 06 BCC $BCAE
06:BCA8:E9 0A SBC #$0A
06:BCB0:8E 07 20 STX PPU_DATA = #$00 ; store tenths
06:BCB3:8C 07 20 STY PPU_DATA = #$00 ; store hundreths
06:BCB6:60 RTS

*** v2.0: Disassembly for Tyson time addition ***

First thing to do is modify the victory text(0x120F7) to make room for the time. I simply truncated it at the 3rd line and added 'TIME' to start 4th line.

The Tyson victory screen code can be found at:

06:B757: 20 66 B6 JSR $B666
06:B75A: 20 5C AA JSR $AA5C
06:B75D: A9 FF LDA #$FF
06:B75F: 20 AE BF JSR $BFAE
06:B762: 20 B2 BF JSR $BFB2
06:B765: A9 06 LDA #$06
06:B767: A2 05 LDX #$05
06:B769: 20 21 BF JSR $BF21 ; this fills the PPU with the victory pic/text
06:B76C: A9 01 LDA #$01 ; replace with
06:B76E: 20 13 C1 JSR $C113 ; jmp to $8d50
06:B771: A9 00 LDA #$00
06:B773: A2 01 LDX #$01
06:B775: 20 0D BF JSR $BF0D

So we intercept @ B76C and jump to our code in some unused ROM space:

04:8D50: A9 23 LDA #$23
04:8D52: 8D 06 20 STA PPU_ADDRESS = #$44
04:8D55: A9 56 LDA #$56
04:8D57: 8D 06 20 STA PPU_ADDRESS = #$44 ; set PPU write address to 2356, 4th line of text
04:8D5A: 20 F2 C0 JSR $C0F2 ; dump m:ss
04:8D5D: 20 94 BC JSR $BC94 ; dump .ms
04:8D60: A9 2B LDA #$2B
04:8D62: 8D 07 20 STA PPU_DATA = #$00 ; ,
04:8D65: A9 1C LDA #$1C
04:8D67: 8D 07 20 STA PPU_DATA = #$00 ; R
04:8D6A: A6 06 LDX $06 = #$01
04:8D6C: E8 INX
04:8D6D: 8E 07 20 STX PPU_DATA = #$00 ; x
04:8D70: A9 01 LDA #$01 ; execute code
04:8D72: 20 13 C1 JSR $C113 ; we overwrote above
04:8D75: 4C 71 B7 JMP $B771 ; return to original code


*** v3.0: Disassembly for pts => time hack ******

First change the 'POINTS' text in the ROM (0x191D2) to 'TIME:'. Next, the code for updating the points total occurs @ C0C3:

07:C0C3: A9 20 LDA #$20
07:C0C5: 8D 06 20 STA PPU_ADDRESS = #$00
07:C0C8: A9 88 LDA #$88 ; $2088 is where pts total starts
07:C0CA: 8D 06 20 STA PPU_ADDRESS = #$00
07:C0CD: A2 00 LDX #$00
07:C0CF: BD F1 03 LDA $03F1,X @ $0430 = #$00
07:C0D2: 8D 07 20 STA PPU_DATA = #$00
07:C0D5: E8 INX
07:C0D6: E0 06 CPX #$06 ; loop to print up to 6 digits
07:C0D8: D0 F5 BNE $C0CF

The updated code for the time hack:

07:C0C3: A9 20 LDA #$20
07:C0C5: 8D 06 20 STA PPU_ADDRESS = #$4D
07:C0C8: A9 87 LDA #$87 ; adjusted start by -1 for more room
07:C0CA: 8D 06 20 STA PPU_ADDRESS = #$4D
07:C0CD: 20 F2 C0 JSR $C0F2 ; dump m:ss
07:C0D0: 20 94 BC JSR $BC94 ; dump .ms
07:C0D3: EA NOP
07:C0D4: EA NOP
07:C0D5: EA NOP
07:C0D6: EA NOP
07:C0D7: EA NOP
07:C0D8: EA NOP
07:C0D9: EA NOP


Tested on all characters in FCEUX 2.2.3 / Mesen 0.9.9.
Thanks to http://tasvideos.org/GameResources/NES/MikeTysonsPunchout/RamMap.html for helping get me started. Patch data below.

Stag Shot
Source ROM: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (USA).nes (md5=B9A66B2760DAA7D5639CBAD903DE8A18)

Comparing files mtpo.nes and MTPO-MILLI_V3.NES
000120F7: 1D 25
000120FC: 10 FF
000120FD: 13 FF
000120FE: 18 1E
000120FF: 11 13
00012100: 0F 17
00012101: 1C 0F
00012103: 1D FF
00012104: 1A FF
00012105: 0F FF
00012106: 0F FF
00012107: 0E FF
0001210A: 0C FF
0001210B: 0F FF
0001210C: 10 FF
0001210D: 19 FF
0001211A: 1F 25
0001211B: 0D 25
0001211C: 12 2A
00012120: 1C FF
00012121: 0F FF
00012122: 25 FF
00012123: 2A FF
00012D60: 00 A9
00012D61: 00 23
00012D62: 00 8D
00012D63: 00 06
00012D64: 00 20
00012D65: 00 A9
00012D66: 00 56
00012D67: 00 8D
00012D68: 00 06
00012D69: 00 20
00012D6A: 00 20
00012D6B: 00 F2
00012D6C: 00 C0
00012D6D: 00 20
00012D6E: 00 94
00012D6F: 00 BC
00012D70: 00 A9
00012D71: 00 2B
00012D72: 00 8D
00012D73: 00 07
00012D74: 00 20
00012D75: 00 A9
00012D76: 00 1C
00012D77: 00 8D
00012D78: 00 07
00012D79: 00 20
00012D7A: 00 A6
00012D7B: 00 06
00012D7C: 00 E8
00012D7D: 00 8E
00012D7E: 00 07
00012D7F: 00 20
00012D80: 00 A9
00012D81: 00 01
00012D82: 00 20
00012D83: 00 13
00012D84: 00 C1
00012D85: 00 4C
00012D86: 00 71
00012D87: 00 B7
000191D2: 1A 1E
000191D3: 19 13
000191D4: 13 17
000191D5: 18 0F
000191D6: 1E 2C
000191D7: 1D FF
000191D8: 2C FF
0001B77C: A9 4C
0001B77D: 01 50
0001B77E: 20 8D
0001B77F: 13 EA
0001B780: C1 EA
0001BCAC: 29 C9
0001BCAD: F0 64
0001BCAE: 4A 90
0001BCAF: 4A 02
0001BCB0: 4A A9
0001BCB1: A8 63
0001BCB2: B9 A2
0001BCB3: B0 01
0001BCB4: BC C9
0001BCB5: 8D 0A
0001BCB6: 07 90
0001BCB7: 20 06
0001BCB8: C8 E9
0001BCB9: B9 0A
0001BCBA: B0 E8
0001BCBB: BC 4C
0001BCBC: 8D A4
0001BCBD: 07 BC
0001BCBE: 20 A8
0001BCBF: 60 C8
0001BCC0: 01 8E
0001BCC1: 01 07
0001BCC2: 03 20
0001BCC3: 06 8C
0001BCC4: 05 07
0001BCC5: 09 20
0001BCC6: 07 60
0001C0D9: 88 87
0001C0DD: A2 20
0001C0DE: 00 F2
0001C0DF: BD C0
0001C0E0: F1 20
0001C0E1: 03 94
0001C0E2: 8D BC
0001C0E3: 07 EA
0001C0E4: 20 EA
0001C0E5: E8 EA
0001C0E6: E0 EA
0001C0E7: 06 EA
0001C0E8: D0 EA
0001C0E9: F5 EA

Patched ROM v3 md5=1E613757E0CA9FE41A637913FD8CA3AA

Database match: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (Japan, USA)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20180803-121122)
File SHA-1: 5D287F933931B14504EB2A3C40FEF1AF2AE083EA
File CRC32: 83DB7938
ROM SHA-1: 339EB36ACBBBEC96C8D177F0265253A5764CC1FB
ROM CRC32: 92A2185C
Time to Beat
Main Story 3h 0m
Main + Extras 3h 0m
Release Date
May 7, 2020
4 years ago
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