Super Mario Bros.: New Extra Frozen Adventure (NEFA) is a ROM hack for the Nintendo Entertainment System that merges elements from three distinct hacks: Extra Adventure Edition, New Mario Bros., and Frozen SMB. This unique compilation enhances gameplay by rebalancing mechanics while transforming visuals and aesthetics. Players experience a modified atmosphere and adjusted enemy interactions, all while preserving the level designs from the original.
New Extra Frozen Adventure is the unique byproduct of a crazy experiment and the result of three different hacks combined. They are Extra Adv Edition, New Mario Bros. and Frozen SMB. Combining not only one or two but three different games and getting it to run smoothly is a remarkable achievement especially for a newbie and is quite possibly unprecedented in the world of rom hacking. What this patch does aside from providing entertainment is it changes the overall atmosphere, aesthetics, appearance of things including certain enemies and tiles, as well as the maneuvering logic of Extra Adventure while miraculously keeping the level designs of it in tact.
- Title screen takes on the form of New Mario Bros and has some imperfections due to the previous game being over written
- This is a rebalanced version and is not exactly the same as the original EAE title
NOTE: Apply patch over prepatched Extra Adv Edition. ROM.
Patch to: Original Hack Of Super Mario Bros. Extra Adv Edition NES ROM
(Patch to Extra Adv Edition.)
Super Mario Bros. (World).nes - NOINTRO
CRC32: 3337EC46
MD5: 811B027EAF99C2DEF7B933C5208636DE
SHA-1: EA343F4E445A9050D4B4FBAC2C77D0693B1D0922
SHA-256: F61548FDF1670CFFEFCC4F0B7BDCDD9EABA0C226E3B74F8666071496988248DE
(Patch to Extra Adv Edition.)
Super Mario Bros. (World).nes - NOINTRO
CRC32: 3337EC46
MD5: 811B027EAF99C2DEF7B933C5208636DE
SHA-1: EA343F4E445A9050D4B4FBAC2C77D0693B1D0922
SHA-256: F61548FDF1670CFFEFCC4F0B7BDCDD9EABA0C226E3B74F8666071496988248DE
Super Mario Bros.: New Extra Frozen Adv (NEFA) Game Wiki
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