Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos, known as Ninja Ryukenden II in Japan, is a platforming action game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Released in 1989, it features five difficulty modes, offering players a mix of nostalgic and challenging experiences. Players can adjust the damage multiplier and access a hidden music test mode, enhancing gameplay variety.
The original "Ninja Ryukenden II" is one of the best NES/Famicom games. This hack is an attempt to look at the game in a new way. It includes five difficulty levels: the one similar to the Original and four greater difficulties, which may remind you of that nostalgic times, when you were still far from an expert in the game...
- Just press "Start" on the title screen to play the game with standard 1x Damage Multiplier,
- Press "Select" to change Damage Multiplier: once - for the 2x damage, twice - for the 4x damage, three times - for 8x damage, and four - for instant-death-mode (each press will be followed with a sound of a sword slash), and then press "Start" to play,
- Press "Select" MORE than 4 times to unlock the hidden "BGM-TEST MODE", which really goes in 3 different variants (with Ryu, Irene or both of them - and with the song titles!) - depending on how many times the opening cutscene started and was cancelled.
Database match: Ninja Ryuuken Den II - Ankoku no Jashin Ken (Japan)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: AE1BD1563C31EBE54078F8876ADDFB30D905D0A4
File CRC32: 516BA002
ROM SHA-1: D088D3919325DAD722AB77BC18F3A73F85A286C2
ROM CRC32: 7BF8A890
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos: Ninja Ryukenden II - 5 Difficulty modes in 1 Game Wiki
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