Ninja Ryukenden II: Ankoku no Jashinken is an action platform game developed by Tecmo for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It follows Ryu Hayabusa on a quest to avenge his father's death and confront the evil lord Ashtar, who manipulates the villain Jaquio. Players utilize advanced ninjutsu skills to navigate challenging environments, defeating enemies while experiencing enhanced audio and visual effects.
The Ninja Ryu is back to avenge the death of his father, and stop the Evil Ashtar.
A year has passed since Ryu last faced his arch enemy, and still the activity down at the bottom of the realm of darkness continues. Ashtar, the evil lord who secretly controls Jaquio, is again on the move, and it is up to Ryu, the "Ninja Dragon" to put a stop to it. Use all of the secrets of the real Ninjitsu, along with the exciting audio and visual special effects and be drawn into the fantasy world of Ninja Gaiden II The Dark Sword Of Chaos.