Super Mario Bros.: Princess Sarah's World is a platform game developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Following the events of A Girl's New Journey, the game centers on Erica and her quest to assist Princess Sarah in reclaiming the Stamata Kingdom from a giant turtle that has kidnapped Sarah's friend, Emily. Featuring seven new worlds, updated graphics, and original music, players control both Erica and Sarah throughout their adventure.
Story: After the events from A Girl's New Journey when Erica was rescued by Gaby and Maria she decided to go in her's journey but she meets and old friend named Sarah and which is the princes of a kingdom named Stamata Kingdom. Sarah tells Erica that a giant turtle has taken over her's kingdom and kidnapped her's friend Emily. Erica decided to help Sarah, save the kingdom and her's friend.
-7 New Worlds
-Some New Music
-Now Graphics
-2 Protagonists Sarah and Erica
Database match: Super Mario Bros. (World)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20180803-121122)
File SHA-1: EA343F4E445A9050D4B4FBAC2C77D0693B1D0922
File CRC32: 3337EC46
ROM SHA-1: FACEE9C577A5262DBE33AC4930BB0B58C8C037F7
ROM CRC32: D445F698
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