Road Fighter is a racing video game developed by Konami, first released in 1984 for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Players control a car, aiming to complete stages while avoiding obstacles, colliding vehicles, and depleting fuel, which can be replenished by hitting special cars. The game led to sequels, including Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 in 1995 and Winding Heat in 1996, as well as a Japan-exclusive reboot in 2010.
Road Fighter is a car-based arcade game developed by Konami and released in 1984. It also was the first car racing game from Konami. The goal is to reach the finish line within the stages without running out of time, hitting other cars or running out of fuel (fuel is refilled by hitting a special type of car). The game also spawned two sequels in its time, Midnight Run: Road Fighter 2 in 1995 and Winding Heat in 1996, respectively. A Japan-only rebooted sequel was also released in 2010, 14 years after Winding Heat.