Here's a small graphics hack of Rolling Thunder that puts the main character from into the game since those games are similar. And other graphical touch ups were done, too. Enjoy!
Rolling Viper - Googie's Rolling Thunder hack
This is a graphics hack that places the main character from Code Name Viper into Rolling Thunder since those games are basically the same
Special thanks goes to Zynk Oxhyde, for his graphical touches and doing the title screen
Think of this hack as a prequel to Code Name Viper
You can find all of my social media pages and other stuff -
You can email me at googietoons(REMOVE THE OBVIOUS)
Thanks for trying out this hack, it really means a lot to me, enjoy!
- Googie
Rolling Thunder (USA) (Unl).nes - NOINTRO
CRC32: E68A35BC
MD5: 3457FC34E9CCFB43854353D5DB3052CA
SHA-1: 9A65A1190F9A6FE136856BD2A7696604DE241EA8
SHA-256: 4641599EFDFC87E3159E025C9A91DCE50A8BFFFDEC3B8367005F189CD1672A90