SD Gundam World: Gachapon Senshi 2 – Capsule Senki is a tactical turn-based strategy game developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System. As the second entry in the SD Gundam series, it features mechas from the Gundam franchise engaging in warfare, utilizing gachapon machines to summon additional units. This title expanded the series' reach on the Famicom platform, later becoming available on the Wii Virtual Console.
The second game in the Famicom series of turn-based strategy games based on the SD Gundam universe.
SD Gundam: Gachapon Senshi 2 - Capsule Senki is the second of five SD Gundam World games for the Famicom, published by Bandai using the Gundam license from Sunrise Studios. As with its predecessor, Scramble Wars, the game is a tactical turn-based war simulation in which each side uses their Gundam mechas to defeat the other and are occasionally aided by a "gachapon" - or capsule machine - that dispenses additional Gundams in a manner similar to their toy counterparts.
The game was the first of the series to be released on a Famicom cart, as Scramble Wars was a Famicom Disk System-only game. Capsule Senki was also rereleased on the Japanese Wii Shop's Virtual Console.