Star Voyager is a first-person space shooter developed by ASCII Entertainment, released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1986. Originally titled Cosmo Genesis in Japan, the game was later licensed and retitled by Acclaim for the North American market. Players engage in combat while navigating various quadrants of a galactic map, managing damage to ship components, which can be repaired at space stations.
Star Voyager is an outer space shooter for the NES. It was originally developed in Japan by ASCII Entertainment, and released as Cosmo Genesis at the very end of 1986. Acclaim picked up the rights to release the game in the United States and changed the title.
The gameplay is heavily based on Atari's original Star Raiders concept. Another Famicom game built on this concept is Namco's Star Luster, which many players regard as the better quality game out of the two. Star Voyager is a first-person shooter from inside the cockpit of a spaceship. The player navigates through different quadrants contained in a galactic map. Different sections of the ship can sustain damage, but this damage can be repaired by visiting a space station.