Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back is a video game developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System and released in 1992. Serving as a sequel to the original NES Star Wars game, it is part of a trilogy of games based on the film. While a Game Boy version exists, no sequel based on Return of the Jedi was created for the NES due to the console's declining popularity at the time.
From Wikipedia: `Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. It is the sequel the original Star Wars for the NES. This is the second of three video games released under the Empire Strikes Back title for home video game systems. It was preceded by a version for the Atari 2600 and succeeded by Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back for the SNES.
The NES version was released the same year as JVC's Super Star Wars for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. As Empire was released towards the end of the NES's lifecycle, a corresponding sequel to the film Return of the Jedi was never developed, nor released.
A version of the game was released for the Game Boy. That product was reprinted and distributed by several publishers over the course of three years.`