STED: Iseki Wakusei no Yabou is a science fiction role-playing game for the Nintendo Entertainment System created by Alpha Denshi and released by K. Amusement Leasing on July 27, 1990, in Japan. Set in the year 0991, players control a team of heroes responding to a distress signal from a remote planet amid increased monster activity, embarking on an adventurous quest filled with challenges.
STED: Iseki Wakusei no Yabou ("STED: Starfield of Memorable Relics") is a science-fiction roleplaying game developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Alpha Denshi and published by K. Amusement Leasing on July 27th, 1990 in Japan. The game takes place during "Star date 0991" and has the player take control of a group of heroes as they track down a distress signal sent from a distant planet just as a significant rise in "monster activity" has been detected.