Super Mario Bros.: Super John is a fan-created ROM hack for the Nintendo Entertainment System. In this game, players control John Aran, who embarks on a quest to rescue Angelica, a cheerleader captured by his rival Samuel. This hack introduces new characters and edits sprites while retaining the core gameplay of the original Super Mario Bros. The project marks the creator's initial entry into ROM hacking, with an emphasis on creativity and collaboration.
This curious Super Mario Bros. hack mixes Rhythm Heaven related stuff with Super Mario stuff but at the same time with a new and unique protagonist, John Aran and his brother, Erick Aran, two OCs created by me
The story is simple, Angelica (Non canon name really) a cheerleader from Drummer Duel minigame has been kidnapped by Samuel who is John's rival but our dear Johnny goes to do his best to save her as fast as possible. Can John achieve rescue Angelica? It's up to you!
-Super John-
This Super Mario Bros. hack by JohnAran97.
This is my first ROM hack for RHDN, sorry if I did the mistake to upload the ROM file istead the patch file, it was my first time but I won't do it again.
Welp Now
The idea started with making a SMB hack but unlike other hacks I saw, I decided to put new characters, a new main character by me and just edit the sprites, the game and levels are exactly the same.
Anyways, I'm thanks with Miracle22 who helped making the Japanese art style for this hack and Joacocapurro for testing this hack before its upload on RHDN.
V1.0: Original release (Failed for not being a patch :/ )
V.1.1: Change in some letters and sprites to improve it.
Anyways enjoy it :)
Database match: Super Mario Bros. (World)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: EA343F4E445A9050D4B4FBAC2C77D0693B1D0922
File CRC32: 3337EC46
ROM SHA-1: FACEE9C577A5262DBE33AC4930BB0B58C8C037F7
ROM CRC32: D445F698
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