Super Mario Bros.: Super Luigi: The Forgotten Adventure is a fan-created ROM hack for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This game follows Luigi as he embarks on an unspoken journey to rescue Princess Peach from a robotic foe. Players navigate through three distinct worlds featuring revamped levels, graphics, and new mechanics, including the ability to hit coin blocks underwater and transform into Super Luigi when hit while powered up.
Here's a chapter in Luigi's life he never spoke about, saving Peach from a robotic creature. Luigi travels through three worlds in order to save Peach, can he do it? Only with your help.
Super Luigi: The Forgotten Adventure - Googie's SMB1 hack
This is a chapter in Luigi's life that he never spoke about when a robotic creature kidnapped Peach.
What's been done?
Levels, graphics, text, and a few ASM hack that'll stick out, like if Luigi get hit while having the fire power he turns into Super Luigi. And also you can hit coin blocks underwater.
Thanks goes to...
Frantik - For editing the first three levels and when you stomp on an enemy, they instantly die.
Masa&Yuu - For making the ASM patch that you can hit blocks under water.
w7n - For making the patch that if you get hit while having the file flower you stay big.
Enjoy the hack, everyone! :D
- Googie
email me at AlabasterGothe(REMOVETHISHERE)
Super Mario Bros. (World) - NOINTRO
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