Super Mario Bros.: The Daisyquest is a fan-created hack of the original Super Mario Bros. for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Players control Mario in his quest to rescue Princess Daisy, who has been kidnapped by Bowser's uncle. The game features 17 unique levels across four worlds, custom graphics, modified enemy types, and various quality-of-life improvements, enhancing gameplay while maintaining the classic experience.
Bowser's cool uncle has kidnapped Daisy, and it is up to Mario to save her! Mario travels the the kingdom of Bowser's uncle, and has to fight his way through hoardes of his rad minions only to fight him and rescue Daisy...
Changes to the original game include and aren't limited to:
- 17 original levels organized in 4 worlds of 4 levels plus 1 secret level
- Custom and modified graphics
- Tweaked movement
- Some customized enemies
- Quality-of-life tweaks
Changes in REV1 (15/02/2023):
- one Koopa in 1-2 was red but walked off ledges, fixed
- some pipes at the end of 4-2 which shouldn't have been enterable now aren't
- a platform in 4-1 was cut off, fixed (aesthetical only)
- accessing the secret area was tweaked
Changes in REV2 (11/05/2023):
- a bonus area which was omitted from the original release due to glitches has been fixed and reimplemented
- jumpspring despawn glitch in 2-1 fixed
- decreased chance of jumpspring despawning in 2-4
- slightly altered title screen
Changes in REV3 (13/04/2024):
- removed the banging sound when climbing ladders
- more new graphics
- updated font with shading
- implemented a lives counter that can count above 10
- starting number of lives increased to 10
- updated title screen
Make sure your emulator is set to PAL when you play this hack. In order to let the emulator automatically detect the region, put (E) in the filename.
Some emulators, most notably Nestopia, can introduce some graphical glitches when this hack is played. If playing on emulator, it is recommended to use Mesen or FCEUX for this hack.
Original version released 29/10/2022.
Have fun with this hack and thank you for playing!
Database match: Super Mario Bros. (Europe)
Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042)
File SHA-1: AB30029EFEC6CCFC5D65DFDA7FBC6E6489A80805
File CRC32: 7D5FAA58
ROM SHA-1: 0C4992FC08D2278697339D3B48066E7B5F943598
ROM CRC32: 9A2DB086
Super Mario Bros.: Super Mario: The Daisyquest Game Wiki
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