Super Mario Bros.: Super Pantufa is a fan-made modification for the Nintendo Entertainment System featuring a red cat named Pantufa. The game follows Pantufa on a quest to retrieve his stolen cake in the Pipe world, antagonized by Tails Doll. Comprising eight worlds with 32 levels, it mixes familiar and altered elements but presents a challenge that may disappoint both casual players and Kaizo enthusiasts due to its inconsistent difficulty.
This hack stars a red cat named Pantufa, on his quest to find his stolen cake after being transported to the Pipe world by the menacing, yet out of date even for it's time creepy-pasta character, Tails Doll.
Beware of slightly "updated" sprites and level design that's too hard for a casual audience and too mild for the Kaizo enthusiasts, it's not fun for anyone!
Has 8 worlds (places) with 4 levels each (total of 32 levels, albeit half of these barely got edited and some were left unchanged, also there's at least one water section, that's not supposed to be a water section, because those are meant to play like a normal level, where it still acts like a water level leaving you with a jumbled mixture of both the red cat and Mario, not a pretty sight).
Super Mario Bros. (World).nes
CRC32: 3337EC46
MD5: 811B027EAF99C2DEF7B933C5208636DE
SHA-1: EA343F4E445A9050D4B4FBAC2C77D0693B1D0922
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