Tanigawa Kouji no Shogi Shinan III is a shogi instructional game developed for the Nintendo Famicom. It is the third title in the series featuring renowned shogi player Tanigawa Kouji. The game offers a range of tutorials and various playing modes, including a unique slot machine mechanic for selecting moves. Unlike its predecessor, this installment is exclusive to the Famicom platform.
A third shogi instructional game starring the expert player Tanigawa, this one was a Famicom exclusive.
Tanigawa Kouji no Shogi Shinan III ("Kouji Tanigawa's Instructional Shogi III") is a Shogi game with numerous tutorials and the third in the series presented by Tanigawa Kouji, a real-life Shogi expert. It also features different playing modes, including one where the choice of tiles to move is determined by a slot machine.
Unlike its immediate predecessor, which was released on both the MSX and the Famicom Disk System, Shogi Shinan III was exclusive to the Nintendo Famicom and did not see any ports.