Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game is a beat 'em up released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. This version introduces two additional levels along with new enemies and bosses including Tora and Shogun. Most original stages from the arcade were expanded, and the parking garage stage features a climactic battle against Baxter Stockman's mutated fly form, enhancing the gameplay experience.
This version includes two new levels (the first part of Scene 3 and all of Scene 6), which feature new enemy characters, including two new bosses: Tora (a dog-like "blizzard beast") and Shogun (a robotic samurai), both characters created for the game. Most of the original stages from the arcade version were extended as well and the second half of Scene 3, the parking garage stage, replaces the arcade version's end battle with Bebop and Rocksteady with a battle against the mutated fly form of Baxter Stockman.