The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino and Hoppy is a platform game for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Players control Fred Flintstone as he embarks on a quest to rescue his pet dinosaur Dino and Hoppy from the clutches of Dr. Butler, a scientist from the future. With the assistance of his family and friends, Fred must gather time machine parts to confront the villain and save his beloved pets.
It's prehistoric pandemonium as your favorite cave family, the Flintstones, get a visit from the 30th century. The clever scientist, Dr. Butler, needs some dinosaurs for the Orbit City Zoo, and he's invented a time machine to capture Dino and Hoppy. Can Fred find all the pieces that the Great Gazoo needs to build a time machine of his own? Can he make a jump into the future with the help of Wilma, Barney and Betty and rescue his prehistoric pals? Who says history has to be boring?