Toki no Tabibito: Time Stranger is an adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System, based on an anime film of the same name. Developed by Kemco, the game features a time-traveling protagonist who interacts with historical figures through text commands and dialogue. Players engage in a series of linear narrative encounters, occasionally navigating third-person challenges to return to their time machine.
An adventure game based on an anime film of the same name, published for the Famicom by Kemco.
Toki no Tabibito "Time Stranger" is an adventure game with a heavy emphasis on text commands and dialogue, similar to other NES adventure games like Portopia Serial Murder Case or Hokkaido Serial Murders: Fade to Okhotsk.
Unlike Portopia and its sequels, there is very little detective work to be done. The player simply visits important people throughout Japanese history as a time-travelling cop, answering their questions and incrementally moving forwards through time towards the present. Most of the game is depicted in a first-person mode where the other person sits across from the main character, who then asks and answers questions. There are a few third-person sequences where the player must get back inside their spaceship-like time machine before it leaves.
While there are a few branching paths depending on dialogue choices taken, the game's narrative is fairly linear.