Willow is an action-adventure game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System and Famicom, inspired by the film of the same name. Players control Willow as he embarks on a quest, primarily traveling alone. The gameplay features exploration and combat, with Willow employing a sword, shield, magical spells, and various items. Players earn experience points to level up by defeating enemies, reflecting elements of role-playing games.
The version of Willow released for the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Famicom is an adventure game in the vein of The Legend of Zelda. The game has the player taking on the role of Willow. Unlike the film and arcade game, Willow generally travels alone, only briefly meeting other characters. In the tradition of The Legend of Zelda, Willow wields a sword and shield and many supplementary items along with a wide variety of magic spells. As the game progresses and Willow defeats enemies, he gains experience points and levels as in a role-playing video game.