Zelda II: The Adventure of Link: Zelda II Rev Edition Nintendo Entertainment System

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The Zelda II Rev edition hack changes the graphics for Zelda 2 for the NES. Almost every enemy, boss, item and character in the game have received a minor or major change. The over world sprites & palette have been tweaked a bit as well. A couple lines of dialogue were changed because of the few item changed to something from the first Zelda.

Some notable changes include: Updated Link's sword, pants, & shield. Zoras now look similar to other Zelda games, Gooma is a minotaur, Bubbles are Zelda 1 style, the Power glove has been replaced with the Power Bracelet, Wise men now look closer to Zelda 1 style, Wizards & Magos are also closer to Zelda 1 style. Bots, Bits & Big Bots are more "blobby" looking. Megmats & Wosus are closer to the instruction manual art.

All changes have been noted in the Read me file.

Zelda 2: Rev Edition
By Revility
[email protected]
Release date: 02.15.18


Tools used:
photo shop
nes palette editor 1.03
Zelda 2 Dialogue Editor
Zelda 2 level up editor
Zelda 2 overworld editor
Zelda 2 sideview editor
Zelda II NES ROM text Editor


Hack Description:
This hack changes the graphics for Zelda 2 for the nes. Other tweaks have also been done. This includes palette changes, and
lines of dialogue have been modified. All changes have been noted in this document.

The main goal was to clean up & detail the graphics. Some changes are minor, and others major.
I believe Myu is the only enemy sprite I did not touch.
Palaces have also received some palette and minor tile changes to refresh them a bit and match the palace's location better.

Another goal was to make the game look a bit closer to the first Zelda. Link's palette and items found reflect this.
It is worth noting that Link's sword is now a similar style to the first Zelda and is also appears much longer.
The player's attack distance has not changed. Not only does this look better, but it makes it easier to gauge your
attack distance.

This hack was started 5+ years ago as edits of Link's sprite. It layed dormant until December 2017 when I decided to
turn it into an actual hack. The changes didn't stop there and just kept going.
Zelda 2 is a great game, but heavily unbalanced and unpolished which gave it a bad reputation.
I could go on and on what went wrong with this game and how to improve it. In the end, it is not nearly as a good as the first.
Yet it could and should be. This "Quality of Life" hack is a step towards that. :)

I am not a programmer. Anything outside changing values in hex is beyond me.
I have no plans for a third update currently. A minor one will occur if bugs are found. However, you never know...

Feel free to use the graphics and or changes in your hacks or as a base for another hack.
I only ask you e-mail me a link to the hack so I may put it on my tumblr or save it for myself to play. :)


How to install:
The hack comes in the form of a .ips patch. To install the patch, first you need to install/download Lunar Ips or a similar nes rom patching program.
You also need a copy of the north American version of Zelda 2 for nes. I will not provide or tell you where to find it ;)
Once you have both, use Ips program to apply the ips file into the rom file.
Lunar ips is a small & quick download.
You can find it at https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/240/ or doing a google search.


Special Thanks:
romhacking.net for renewing my interest in rom hacking.
data crystal
njosro for his editors and huge help squashing bugs. Without his work the second build would not have happened!
Shade Aurion
My sons for getting me back into Zelda games.


build 1.6.0

***Reverted all over world and side view changes from previous build.***
It only contains the sprite, dialogue, and pallet changes that were in 1.5.00
This is a temporary replacement until the palace rock issues in build 1.5.00 are resolved.
The palace rock bug in build 1.5.00 happens when you beat the first palace and find the candle. Afterwards palace 1, 2, and 3 turn to stone oddly.
When the palace rock issues have been fixed, the original version will be uploaded and this version will be with it for those interested in just visual changes.
Do not use any save files associated with the previous build.

Summary of changes since 1.0.00
+Updated Thunder Bird sprites
+small tweak to second walk frame of skinny town guy
+slightly reduced the size of the rubies (point bag replacement sprite)
+removed the 1 pixel flicker from the fire ball sprite used throughout the game.
+Changed the palette used for the ground for the side view on paths during random encounters. changed 30 36 27 to 30 27 17
+Changed the same palette used for desert side view ground to the same. changed 30 36 27 to 30 27 17
+hammer replaced with Bombs. All dialogue related to it also changed.
+Replaced Trophy item with Zelda 1 style ring.
+one pixel tweak to Link's first attack frame on his chest.
+fixed link's shield being too tall during duck attack frame.
+changed menu/pause screen/hud palette's green back to blue... stands out better on certain back areas.
+Updated the palette used inside homes for tables and chairs from 0f 30 29 17 to 0f 30 17 07 (brown & green to browns). 2 entries updated.
+tweaked up magic jar icon in hud
+changed life bar to hearts. Note that the blue covers parts of the life bar, including the left edge.
+Changed title screen sword palette from 09 17 30 to 0c 00 30. Green/brown to blue/grey
+small tweak to the title screen sword hilt.
+Modified boss bot further
+Updated Curtain tile
+tweaked Zelda's arm during ending.
+tweaked candle, bracelet, book and bomb item icons... better spacing in pause menu.

*Dialogue Changes:
#4 changed from too busy to talk to enemies can steal magic
#7 changed from knowing nothing to some enemies steal xp.
#10 changed from hammer to bombs... now references destroying both boulders and forest.
#13 refers to finding a ring instead of trophy
#14 refers to finding a ring instead of trophy
#15 reworded.
#17 reworded. hammer changed to bombs
#27 from glove to bracelet
#37 added an exclamation point.
#46 fairy spell dialogue more descriptive.
#50. sleeping bot hint where to find Bagu more descriptive.
#53 changed from revived to healed
#60 hint to use reflect spell to reflect magic
#72 the devil does not like "noise" is now does not like music.
#73 lives changed to hides.
#77 changed to search inside chimneys.
#89 reworded.
#93 dialogue has more of a hint as to what spell spell does.
#95 rewarded dialogue to be more descriptive of the hidden towns location.
#96 Thunder spell learning dialogue now hint where to use.
#97 changed to refer to checking fire places for secrets.

1st palace changes:
+changed brick colors from greys to tan/browns to match the sand theme
*2nd (Swamp) palace changes:
+changed blue bricks palettes to dark greens to match location
+Changed brick tiles to the ones from 3 eye rock... suits the theme better
*3rd (Island) palace changes
+Changed red bricks to light blue to match theme better.
*5th Palace (sea)Changes:
+Changed brick palettes from greens to blues to match the theme better
*6th palace (3 eye rock) changes:
+Changed the brick tiles to the ones from the 2nd palace.


build 1.5.0

+Updated Thunder Bird sprites
+small tweak to second walk frame of skinny town guy
+slightly reduced the size of the rubies (point bag replacement sprite)
+removed the 1 pixel flicker from the fire ball sprite used throughout the game.
+moved heart east of 3 eye rock to the cave north west of it.
+replaced heart spot east of 3 eye rock with 1-up.
+Changed the palette used for the ground for the side view on paths during random encounters. changed 30 36 27 to 30 27 17
+Changed the same palette used for desert side view ground to the same. changed 30 36 27 to 30 27 17
+updated north castle layout a bit
+Life spell renamed to Heal.
+Spell spell renamed to Reveal.
-Reduced shield magic cost.
-Reduced reflect magic cost.
+hammer replaced with Bombs. All dialogue related to it also changed.
+Replaced Trophy item with Zelda 1 style ring.
+West Hyrule Heart cave scene 16. Changed a lowder to a Blue Moblin.
+West Hyrule Medicine cave Scene 15. Changed some Dairas to blue Moblins.
+one pixel tweak to Link's first attack frame on his chest.
+fixed link's shield being too tall during duck attack frame.
+changed menu/pause screen/hud palette's green back to blue... stands out better on certain back areas.
+Updated the palette used inside homes for tables and chairs from 0f 30 29 17 to 0f 30 17 07 (brown & green to browns). 2 entries updated.
+tweaked up magic jar icon in hud
+changed life bar to hearts. Note that the blue covers parts of the life bar, including the left edge.
+Changed title screen sword palette from 09 17 30 to 0c 00 30. Green/brown to blue/grey
+small tweak to the title screen sword hilt.
+Modified boss bot further
+Updated Curtain tile
+tweaked Zelda's arm during ending.
+tweaked candle, bracelet, book and bomb item icons... better spacing in pause menu.
+Detailed inside all houses in towns.
+Detailed and modified wise men homes.
*Scene Palette changes:
*West hyrule:
+6 & 23: jumping pits with bubbles... now looks like lava
+58: blank road screen. Removed grass and turned them to clouds.
*East Hyrule:
+26, 24, 25, 16: Changed the palettes of the trap scenes leading to the Great Palace.
+Changed palettes used for encounters near great palace.
*Maze Island:
+37, 36: Palettes changed for Lost child and magic Cave.
*Death Mountain:
+26 Changed palette of magic jar cave.
+Death Mountain Cave updates:
+Added some magic jars, point bags and a fairy throughout Death Mountain caves.
+Scene 11, 21, and 25. Changed some of the Dairas to blue Moblins.
+Detailed cave where you find the hammer.
+added a right exit to the hammer cave.
*Note: All towns have been detailed. Layouts are still the same.
The amount of changes caused many scenes to have their data moved around the rom file in the editor
+Updated: Rauru
+Updated: Ruto
+Updated: Mido
+Updated: Saria
+Updated: Darunia
+Updated: Nabooru
+Updated: Kasuto
+Updated: New Kasuto
*Dialogue Changes:
#4 changed from too busy to talk to enemies can steal magic
#7 changed from knowing nothing to some enemies steal xp.
#10 changed from hammer to bombs... now references destroying both boulders and forest.
#13 refers to finding a ring instead of trophy
#14 refers to finding a ring instead of trophy
#15 reworded.
#17 reworded. hammer changed to bombs
#24 jump changed to leap
#27 from glove to bracelet
#37 added an exclamation point.
#46 fairy spell dialogue more descriptive.
#50. sleeping bot hint where to find Bagu more descriptive.
#53 changed from revived to healed
#60 hint to use reflect spell to reflect magic
#68 changed to a hint for the new heart location.
#60 The water devils eats weaklings replaced with hint about reflecting magic.
#72 the devil does not like "noise" is now does not like music.
#73 lives changed to hides.
#77 changed to search inside chimneys.
#89 reworded.
#93 dialogue has more of a hint as to what spell spell does.
#95 rewarded dialogue to be more descriptive of the hidden towns location.
#96 Thunder spell learning dialogue now hint where to use.
#97 changed to refer to checking fire places for secrets.
*Over World Changes:
+removed grave south of king's tomb on map for hidden encounter spot
-removed mountains south of death mountain to add more memory for other adjustments... player never sees it.
+changed one of the mud tiles near the second palace to show hidden encounter spot
+added land spot where the heart is located next to the 4th palace
+added a walkable water path to Darunia town for faster travel with boots.
+cleaned up water walking path in East Hyrule to palace & hidden heart.
+added a pair of dry spots in the marsh to the great palace where hidden encounters happen
+river before death mountain entrance in West hyrule now walkable with boots
+west hyrule island palace now has a walkable water path to it.
+west hyrule now has walkable water between both top most deserts for fast travel.
+Moved around the encounters near Bagu's place. He is completely surrounded now.
-Death mountain caves which lead to the dead ends removed are not accessable by the player, but they are still there in the overworld.
+Death mountain 4 exit cave: moved the bottom right exit (labeled b in editor) up to the same area exit d is in.
-removed 2 of the dead ends in death mountain over world.
+Detailed Death Mountain over world around the caves.
+Updated Maze island a bit. Tweaks the overall path in it.
+Added a breakable boulder where the hidden magic container is located on maze island.
+Eastern hyrule: Changed a few tiles where you find fairies or point bag encounters on maps.
+Moved trap/point bag encounter above 3 eye rock to an easier to see location
+Original heart location near 3 eye rock has a boulder there for a better hint.
+Maze island: a boulder sits where the lost child is found for a better hint.
+moved 1 up location in swamp in western hyrule. Adjusted map for a little hint where it is.
+placed a boulder where the south west of the grave yard 1 up is located. a minor hint where it is.
-Removed grave on map where hidden palace is found for a better hint.
+Updated Palace Rock locations. done because data changed due to all edits.
1st palace changes:
+changed brick colors from greys to tan/browns to match the sand theme
*2nd (Swamp) palace changes:
+changed blue bricks palettes to dark greens to match location
+Changed brick tiles to the ones from 3 eye rock... suits the theme better
+increased the points in a few point bags.
+Scene 28 Added a red magic jar in the statue by the key. removed one enemy to do so.
+Scene 22. changed an enemy to a fairy in dead end room.
*3rd (Island) palace changes
+Changed red bricks to light blue to match theme better.
+Scene 7: replaced magic pot with fairy in final key hallway before boss area.
+increased amounts in various point bags.
*Maze island palace changes:
-Scene : 33-35. Scene 34-35 blocked off.
-Scene 33 right key door gone. No need for the treck for a key if you fall down this hole. Falling is enough punishment.
+added a few extra magic pots and a fairy in the palace.
*Palace on the Sea Changes:
-Blocked off the right side of Scene 48. Scene 49 & Left part of 50 no longer accessible.
+Added an extra statue with hidden magic jar in Scene 48... from terrain adjustments.
+Scene 50 adjusted a bit and enemies moved away since the left part is no longer seen.
+Changed brick palettes from greens to blues to match the theme better
+increased the amount of some point bags
+Scene 56: Added a few details to the room where you walk through the wall
+a few magic jars added through out the palace.
*3 eye rock palace changes:
+Scene 62 changed 2 of the anti fairies to bots.
+Scene 62: shorten the length of the room.
+Scene 54 changed 2 of the fast anti fairies to slow.
-Scene 60: blocked off left part.
-Scene 59: blocked off/not accessible.
+Changed bricks palette from red/pink to dark red/red
+Changed the brick tiles to the ones from the 2nd palace.
*Great Palace changes:
+Scene 45: opened up a part of the middle floor. now you can reach the end in mulitple ways instead of the worse dead of the game.
+Scene 4: Changed bubble to hidden magic pot with statue...
+Great palace scene 47 & 4 (long shared dead ends): replaced magic jar with fairy.


build 1.0.0

+changed menu/pause screen/hud palette (30 12 16) to (30 1A 16).... changed blue to green
+swapped two colors in the sword icon to reflect the new menu palette & match in the in game sword.
+Updated Old man from the end of the game.
+Tweaked Palace sprite/icon for over world map a bit more.
+Tweaked Lowders a bit more
+Tweaked Link's arm while on the raft further.
+Further updated title screen sword and palette colors.
+Tweaked Link's over world sprite a little bit more.
+Added highlight and shadow to ending triforce sprites
+Changed the "o" block sprite to a triangle/triforce in the Great palace.

*The following palace enemies have been updated:
+Tweaked Aneru
+Tweaked Mau
+Tweaked Ra
+Updated Wosu (Now look like a wolf instead of a rat)
*note: His legs are shared with Iron knuckle. A shield was added to him to blend in with the new leg sprites better.
+Updated Stalfos (skeletons)
+Updated Parutamu (armor skeleton)
+Updated Doom knocker
+Updated Guma
+Updated Iron Knuckle
+Updated Mago (now looks similar to the wizards from Zelda 1)
+Updated Wizard (now looks similar to the wizards from Zelda 1)
+Updated Bubble. Modified the Zelda 1 sprite.
+Updated Big bubble. Now resembles a cluster of Zelda 1 style bubbles.
+Updated Fokkeru a bit. (red birds in final palace)
+Updated Fokka (bird knights)
*Updated the following bosses:
+Tweaked Jermafenser's body
+Updated Jermafenser's face
+Tweaked Jermafenser's helmets
+Updated Barba
+Tweaked Carock (mainly updated his necklace.)
+Updated Horse Head
+Updated Boss Bot
+Tweaked Thunderbird's faces
+Updated Rebonack
+Updated Gooma (now resembles a Minotaur like in the instruction manual)
+fixed the missing part of Gooma's torso during his attack.
*(a bat sprite had been pasted over it in the first build.)


build 0.6.0

+Changed colors in title screen logo.
+Updated Link head sprite in pause menu
+Updated Key sprite in pause menu
+Changed colors of crystal sprite in pause menu
+Changed crystal sprite in pause menu from ruby shaped to round.
+Changed crystal sprite inserted into stones to round
+Changed the crystal slot in the head statues to round
+Updated Sword in title screen graphics
+Updated Key door lock
+Updated key door bars
+Updated elevator tile
+Changed bubbles to fire balls
+Adjusted mountain over world tile a bit more
+New palace over world sprite/icon
+Updated Cactus sprite
+Updated Lost child sprite
+Updated torches around sleeping zelda sprites
+Changed brown cactus with green spikes to green with brown spikes
+Tweaked rock ground tile, the top 2 parts of the tile used on floors
+updated piller topper used in Zelda castle and through out the game, the one that looks like a face D:
+Tweaked bridge tile
*The following wilderness enemy sprites have been updated:
+Updated Geldarms (desert worms)
+Updated Bots & bits
+Updated Ache (bats)
+Updated Acheman
+Updated Deelers (spiders)
+Updated Bago-Bago (bone fish)
+Tweaked Moas (flying eyes)
+Updated Moby (bird)
+Updated Octorok
+Updated Lowders
+Updated Dairas
+Updated Geru's Mace projectile
+Tweaked Girubokku
+Tweaked Tektites
+Updated Moblins
+Tweaked Leever
+Updated Zora... looks more like a Zora instead of dinosaur lizard thing.
+Updated Boon (giant fly)
+Updated Gerus (lizard men)
+Updated Auroda (giant scorpians)
+Updated Megmats... (bouncy birds that are supposed to be vermin)
*Note: Any time one of these enemies shows up in a palace, their sprites have been updated too.
*Updated the following palace enemies sprites:
+Bubbles (flying skulls)


build 0.5.0

+Updated Sprites for Link
+increased details
+increased sword length (visually)
+sword is the same style as Zelda 1's.
+added brown
+modified shield
+New hold item front facing sprite
+New hold item from back facing with 2 hands sprite.
+Updated the link holding from front sprite that mirrors.
+Updated Link's palette. Total of 25 counts in rom file.
+Green color is the same as the first Zelda 2a to 29
+darker brown from 18 to 07.
+tweaked skin color from 36 to 37
+Updated the brown color of Link's red suit/shield spell from 18 to 07. 1 known count in rom file
+Updated fairy sprite.
+Updated Key Sprite
+changed Points bag to rubies from Zelda 1.
+Change the power Glove the Power Bracelet from Zelda 1
+Changed the Cross item to Holy Book... A tweaked version of the book from Zelda 1.
+New hammer item icon
+New candle item icon
+New flut icon. Matches Zelda 1's flute.
+Tweaked up Raft icon
+modified Link doll/ 1-up sprite.
+New boot item sprite
+Changed Master Key to match Zelda 1's.
+Updated sprites for all town people
+Updated sprites for old man wizards
+Updated sprites for town knights
+Changed the Life bar "L" to a heart
+Changed the Magic bar "M" to a potion bottle
+Changed the mail box in the towns to a wooden sign.
+updated the Link player select sprite
+Updated the Magic Increase potion sprite.
+Updated the Triforce character select screen icon
+Over World Updates:
+updated Fairy over world sprites
+Updated Link standing and walking overworld sprites
+updated mud tile
+updated river monster tile/sprite
+tweaked up forest tile
+slight tweak to water tile
+Tweaked Link on the raft icon
+Modified mountains tile
+water and sand palette updated from 30 36 21 to 30 38 21
+grass and forest palette updated from 30 29 19 to 30 2a 1a
*Note: This was done because Link's coat is 29 now like the first Zelda.
+Updated the sword trainer palette from 03 10 36 to 01 2d 37
+Updated the purple town people palette from 0f 13 36 to 0f 11 37... they now wear blue
+Updated the red town people palette from 0f 16 36 to 0f 16 37
+Updated the Link ending sprite
+updated Zelda sleeping sprite
+Updated Zelda ending sprite
+Tweaked the title screen sword sprite... made the hilt upside down like the sprite.
+Changed the sword colors on the title screen to help it stand out when starting
+changed the title screen rock colors to browns
+added Rev's to the title screen... now you know what hack you are playing :)
+Modified the intro scrolling text a bit.
+Small changes to the ending text and credits.
+The following lines of dialogue have been edited:
+12, 27

No-Intro Name: Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (USA)
(No-Intro version 20130731-235630)
File SHA-1: 353489A57F24A429572E76BD455BC51D821F7036
ROM SHA-1: 11333ADB723A5975E0ECCA3AEE8F4747AA8D2D26
Time to Beat
Main Story 10h 42m
Main + Extras 11h 0m
Speedrun Avg 8h 47m
Release Date
Jan 30, 2018
6 years ago
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