Attack of the Friday Monsters A Tokyo Tale is an episodic adventure game for Nintendo 3DS centered on Sohta, a boy living in the picturesque town of Fuji no Hana. As he explores the town and interacts with its quirky residents, mysteries unfold surrounding the weekly appearance of a giant monster. Players collect Monster Glims to form cards and engage in battles, revealing a heartfelt narrative about childhood and community.
Step into the life of Sohta, the young son of a family that has just set up a dry cleaners shop in the idyllic town of Fuji no Hana. In his interactions with the town's unique residents, episodic mysteries are revealed that portend to the strange events surrounding the appearance of a giant monster every Friday. And finally, when Friday evening falls, the giant monster will appear right before your eyes!
Collect the `Monster Glims` scattered around town to form Monster Cards, and once you've collected five cards, Sohta can battle his friends for dominance. Winning at Monster Cards gives you the chance to collect useful information, more Monster Glims, and even to cast a secret spell on your friends that will make them fall down at your whim. Why? Because that's the rules!
A touching drama about family, friendship, and the innocence of being a child unfolds against hand-drawn backgrounds, charming music, and memorable characters.