Chronus Arc is a role-playing game for the Nintendo 3DS where players assume the role of Loka, who embarks on a quest to locate his missing teacher Teth and the enigmatic Geppel. Set against the backdrop of a time-rewinding event occurring once every decade, Loka must gather the Chronus Fragments while teaming up with his friend Sarna to navigate challenges and uncover secrets.
The Chronus Fragments are needed to prepare for the Time Rewinding, which only takes place once every 10 years. On their way to the Chronus Shrine to get the Fragments, Loka and his teacher Teth are surrounded by a mysterious man named Geppel and his gang. They demand the Fragments. While Teth plays for time, Loka, the main character, rushes out of the cave on his own to fetch reinforcements. He is successful, but Teth and Geppel are nowhere to be found.
Aiming to gather information about his missing teacher, Teth, and Geppel, who is trying to get his hands on the Fragments, Loka decides to set out on a journey with his friend Sarna.