Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins is a prequel to the Wii U game, featuring the adventures of Chase McCain, a novice police officer, in Lego City. Players assist McCain on his earliest assignment, taking on various disguises equipped with unique abilities, like firefighting and lock breaking. Users infiltrate criminal groups and arrest offenders. The game includes several Lego City regions to explore and numerous Lego elements to gather.
LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins. A prequel to the Wii U game, follow the exploits of Chase McCain as a rookie cop. Find out how the story of Chase McCain begins. Chase McCain is on his first assignment as a police offer-and it's up to you to help him clean up LEGO City! By changing into different disguises, Chase has access to unique abilities, such as putting out fires as a Fireman and breaking open doors as a Robber. After using his skills to infiltrate criminal organizations, help Chase finish the job by slapping cuffs on the bad guys. With multiple areas of LEGO City to explore and a boatload of LEGO Bricks and Studs to collect, the chase has most certainly begun.