Magi: Hajimari no Meikyuu is an action role-playing game for the Nintendo 3DS, based on the popular manga series. Players control Alibaba and Aladdin as they navigate the 7th labyrinth Amon in pursuit of the Metal of Jin. The game features an adventure segment with character interactions and dialogues, alongside a battle segment where players create teams to confront enemies and uncover unique story events.
To raise enough capital to purchase a country and to find the Metal of Jin, Alibaba and the genie summoner Aladdin set off to conquer the challenges in the 7th labyrinth Amon. The game is spilt into the adventure part and the battle part. Meet the captivating characters and watch the memorable dialogues in the iconic scenes in the adventure part. And when you have enough information, meet the bosses you have read about in the manga. The parallel mode in the game allows you to create your own team. Use different characters to fight the enemies in the dungeon and unlock special story events.