Shin Megami Tensei IV is a role-playing game developed by ATLUS for the Nintendo 3DS, serving as a sequel to Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Set in the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado, players assume the role of a newly appointed Samurai tasked with protecting their kingdom from demon threats. The game emphasizes player choices that influence the narrative and the outcome of the story, shaping the fate of the world.
Building on the styles of ATLUS' Persona, Devil Summoner, and Devil Survivor titles, SMTIV is the first true successor to 2004's Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. The story of SMTIV revolves around the Samurai, the sacred protectors of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. As a newly appointed Samurai, players will struggle with factions that have nefarious designs on the world as they defend their home kingdom from a growing army of demons. Decisions players make throughout the course of the story will have lasting repercussions, as the fate of the world hangs in the balance.