Bokujou Monogatari 2, known as Harvest Moon 64 in North America, is a farming simulation game developed for the Nintendo 64. Players manage a struggling farm by cultivating crops, raising livestock, and establishing relationships with townsfolk. New features include seasonal produce, a variety of animals, improved tools, romantic pursuits, and seasonal festivals, enhancing the gameplay experience from its predecessor.
Retire to the country for a new challenge in Harvest Moon 64. Hard work is rewarded as you struggle to bring prosperity back to a neglected farm. Work the land, pick up odd-jobs, and get to know the neighbors. Harvest Moon 64 has all the charm of the original Super Nintendo classic, plus many new surprises.
* Tons of new seasonal vegetables and fruits.
* Raise cows, chickens, and sheep.
* New items and gifts. Including tools that increase in power as you master them.
* One of town's five eligible women may prove to be the love of your life.
* Celebrate seasonal festivals with the nearby townsfolk.
* Enjoy local horse and dog racing.