Buck Bumble is a third-person shooter released for the Nintendo 64 in 1998. Set in a rural English landscape, the game follows Buck Bumble, a heroic bee who resists the evil influence of a mutated queen bee and her army of malevolent insects. Players navigate various environments, battling enemy bees with an arsenal of weapons and engaging in additional multiplayer modes such as Buzz Ball, a soccer-inspired game.
A chemical spill somewhere in rural England has mutated an army of bees into killer insects! Led by their queen, they are out to destroy everything living thing on the planet, including all insects that dare stop them.
Only Buck Bumble, the only bee not to be turned evil by the ways of the queen, can save the world, and his fellow insects, from total destruction.
Shoot down swarms of enemy bees, while flying and avoiding the hazards bellow or land on the ground and attack the enemies on foot with various weapons. Also included are a handful of two-player split-screen modes, including Buzz Ball, a unique soccer style game.