Chou Soujuu Mecha MG is a mecha action game for the Nintendo DS released in 2006, developed by Sandlot and published by Nintendo. The game features over 100 unique mecha, each equipped with a distinct cockpit interface utilizing the DS touch screen, alongside traditional D-Pad controls. Chou Soujuu Mecha MG emphasizes large-scale action, showcasing Sandlot's distinctive design and gameplay style.
Chou Soujuu Mecha MG is a 2006 Nintendo DS mecha action game developed by Sandlot, the studio behind the Earth Defense Force series, and published by Nintendo. It combines the developer's aptitude for larger-than-life spectacle with one of the most innovative and fun uses of the touch screen in the DS library: in addition to standard movement with the D-Pad, each of the game's 100+ playable mecha has its own unique `cockpit` controlled with the touch screen.
The game was mentioned in the Super Smash Bros. series, under the officially romanized title of Chosoju Mecha MG.